Welcome Android Developpers

Welcome Android Developpers
My name is Mathias Séguy, I am an Android Expert and Trainer and created the Android2EE company.

For full information, it’s here : Android2EE's Training
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Monday, April 9, 2012

AdMobs Part 2: The real test and it's small problem

Bandeau Conference
Ok, back to AdMobs.
Sometimes it's not so obvious than it looks like especillay when you're tired.
So for AdMobs, first download the Jar here :
Then unzip it (beside to your Android SDK is a good idea).
Then include it into your project:
1) Include the jar within your project properly
Copy paste the jar within your project (create a lib folder and paste it there)
Open your Build Path and:
  1. First add the Jar to your librairies (use the "Add Jar" button and choose the one in your \lib folder)
  2. Second, add the lib folder as a Source of your project
If you don't do that you'll have:
->Either an build error (the class can't be found)
->Either a run Time error (the class can't be found, the exact sentence looks like: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(2339): Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.admob.ads.AdView in loader dalvik.system.PathClassLoader@ )

2)When adding to a layout.xml take care about the xmlns:ads.
In fact the parent container of your adMobs banner must declare the namespace of your adMobs.
So insure that the layout container is the following:
LinearLayout xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"

If your don't do that you'll have an error in your layout/main.xml when trying to build your project that looks like the ads:adSize is missing...

3)And at least in your Manifest if you have an error when pasting the


try to open your project.properties and target at least
# Project target.
I defines which SDK to use to compile.

But it not seems to me a good idea. If any one understand that, please tell me. I don't want to change my compilation just because of a lib...

Now it should works...

In your build path:

So, Thanks who?
Thanks, Android2ee, the Android Programming Ebooks :o)

Mathias Séguy
Auteur Android2EE
Ebooks to learn Android Programming.
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